Having trouble confirming your email?
1. If you have received the confirmation email, but aren't able to click the link, copy the full URL from the email and paste it into a new web browser window. Or click the "Resend confirmation" link on the yellow nag shown below. We'll resend you a new link you can try.2. If you haven't received the confirmation email, please:
- Check the junk mail folder or spam filter in your email account.
- Make sure your email address is entered correctly.
- Try resending the email by logging in and clicking the Resend Confirmation Link. This link will be in the yellow banner at the top of twitter.com.
- If you have multiple email addresses, try using a different email with your Twitter account.
- Try clicking the "Resend confirmation" link again after a couple of days. We send the emails immediately when you create your account, but it's possible that your email provider was temporarily blocking emails from us, or delivery was delayed.
- Use an email from a large domain. Delivery to these domains is more consistent. You can create a new email account with one of the major free email providers – we've found that emails from Twitter are nearly always delivered to these major webmail providers like gmail.com, yahoo.com, or hotmail.com.
- If you'd like more information about why you may not be receiving Twitter emails, please see this article on email delivery.
- If you're still having trouble, contact our Support team for more help.
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