If you've lost access to the email address that's linked to your Twitter account, please contact your email service provider to work to regain access.
Below, you'll find the contact information to common email providers. Once you've regained access, you should be able to request a new password for your Twitter account here.
- aol.com, aim.com
- att.net, sbcglobal.net
- btinternet.com, btopenworld.com, talk21.com
- comcast.net
- cox.net
- gmail.com, googlemail.com
- hotmail.com, msn.com, hotmail.co.uk
- inbox.com
- live.com, windowslive.com, live.ca
- mac.com, me.com
- mail.com
- myspace.com
- yahoo.com, rocketmail.com, ymail.com, yahoo.co.uk, yahoo.ca
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